The weekly highlight: Accessible ways to take action against racism

June 26, 2020

We know that 2020 has been a stressful year for employers, employees, and job seekers. So here’s a snapshot of something we’ve found useful or motivating. Whether it’s a tip for how to stay on top of work, or something to take your mind off the news, we hope it’ll be a positive and helpful way to round off your week.

Companies across the United States are talking about racism

Many workplaces are facilitating internal conversations about race. Some employers have been offering extra flexibility or time off for their staff to protest. And lots of employees are talking about their own participation in protests or other activism.

Employees with some types of disabilities may not be able to participate in certain methods of protest. If that’s you, you might be feeling stressed when co-workers talk about the ways they’ve been taking action against racism.

But there are many different ways to make meaningful change. This week, we’re sharing an article published on the Disability Visibility Project website. It contains 26 accessible suggestions for ways to join the fight against racism and police violence. 

“For a variety of reasons there are folks who cannot attend rallies and protests who contribute to ending police and state violence against black people. 

“People seek justice and support liberation in an array of ways, yet their bodies, their spirits, and their lives may not allow them to be in the streets. We believe that we will win and we need everyone’s contributions to win.”

Visit the Disability Visibility Project for the list of suggestions. Ideas include acting as a translator, writing captions, and having conversations with people who are close to you.

You and your colleagues can use these ideas to take action in a wide range of ways. And if you’re an employer who’s facilitating discussions about race or offering suggestions to your staff, make sure to bring accessible ideas into the conversation.


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