Maybe it’s your child. A friend or a co-worker. Or you. But many don’t have access to the resources they need to thrive at school, in the workplace, and in their daily lives.
That’s where Understood comes in. Understood provides accessible, expert-reviewed resources for groups such as…
Parents of kids who learn and think differently
Teachers and other educators
Adults who themselves learn and think differently
Understood is a 501(c)(3) organization (tax identification number 83-2365235).
Understood gratefully accepts gifts in the form of securities. Your financial planner can help you determine the best option for your support. Please notify Understood when you plan to make a gift of stock or securities. Contact Understood at
You can make a gift from your estate through your will or living trust to make a lasting impact for individuals who learn and think differently. To leave a gift to Understood in your will or trust, contact your estate planning attorney.
Thousands of employers match gifts made by their employees to organizations like Understood. Use this form to check if your employer will match your Understood donation.
“Thankfully I found Understood back when my daughter was diagnosed. Everything (useful) I’ve learned, I learned here!!! I refer EVERYONE to Understood as soon as they mention their kid has or may have ADHD.”
—Tara, Parent
Follow MissUnderstood, a new podcast channel by women with ADHD, for women with ADHD.
There’s a lot of misinformation out there about ADHD. The biggest (and perhaps most hurtful) myth of all? That it’s not a “real” condition.
Figuring out what’s going on can feel overwhelming. That’s why we’re here to help. Introducing a simple step-by-step tool to help you spot signs of learning and thinking differences.