Tell us your ADHD story

For an upcoming podcast series, Understood is looking to interview and potentially profile women who were diagnosed with ADHD during the height of the pandemic. Are you willing to share your ongoing story? Email us at Please include your contact information and an outline of your experiences in as much detail as possible.

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Are you a woman who was diagnosed with ADHD between the spring of 2020 and the summer of 2022? Or, during that same period, did you come to suspect that you might have ADHD? Did the diagnosis or your suspicions dramatically affect your work, your relationships, your home life, or your understanding of any of these? Do you feel like it altered your experience of the following years? For better or for worse? Are you still adjusting? And if so, how?

Experts estimate that ADHD affects all genders equally. But during their lifetimes, 13 percent of men will be diagnosed with the disorder — compared to only 4.2 percent of women. The good news is that more women than ever are being diagnosed with ADHD. But why now? 

For an upcoming podcast series, Understood is looking to interview and potentially profile women who were diagnosed with ADHD during the height of the pandemic. Are you willing to share your ongoing story? Email us at Please include your contact information and an outline of your experiences in as much detail as possible. is a nonprofit dedicated to shaping the world for difference. We provide resources and support so people who learn and think differently can thrive — in school, at work, and throughout life. Seventy million people in the United States have learning and thinking differences, like dyslexia and ADHD. But the world isn’t set up for them to thrive. We’re working to change that by raising awareness and providing resources to help people with differences reach their potential.