10 questions to ask your child’s doctor or specialist before starting a treatment

Sometimes doctors and specialists recommend treatment for kids who learn and think differently. When that happens, what questions should you ask?

It really depends on what your doctor recommends. For example, there are lots of specific questions you need to ask about treatments like ADHD medication or therapies like educational therapy.

But there are a few basic questions to ask before starting any treatment or therapy for your child. Refer to this list of questions before your next appointment.

  1. How much experience do you have treating kids with my child’s specific needs?

  2. Do you have experience and training using this type of treatment with other children?

  3. What are your treatment goals for my child?

  4. Will this treatment enhance, replace, or possibly conflict with my child’s overall treatment plan?

  5. What evidence is there that this treatment is effective?

  6. How will you monitor and measure the effectiveness of this treatment for my child?

  7. How long should we expect treatment to last?

  8. Are there possible side effects or other problems? If so, when might they appear?

  9. How will you coordinate treatment with my child’s other doctors, therapists, and specialists?

  10. What’s my role during treatment?

Asking questions is key to making sure your child gets the best possible care. Have your provider clarify any terms you might not have heard before. And don’t be afraid to take notes.

You can also explore tips from a doctor on how to talk to your provider about learning and thinking differences.

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