How will I know if the accommodations in my child’s IEP are working?


Accommodations are changes made to the way your child is expected to do something at school. For example, he may take the same test as other students but have extended time to finish it. (This is different from , which change what a student learns.) The purpose is to give him access to general education and help him meet his IEP goals.

It’s unlikely you’ll get updates directly related to his accommodations. But you will get progress reports related to his IEP goals and objectives.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t ask about the effectiveness of his accommodations. In fact, if his performance in class or on his goals and objectives are a problem at any time, it’s a good idea to ask. Here are three questions to ask the teacher or IEP team about his accommodations:

  1. Are the accommodations being implemented on a regular basis? If they’re not, request that a team member be assigned to more closely monitor them.

  2. Is your child using them on a regular basis? Ask if the accommodations have been explained thoroughly to your child. Also ask if the teachers believe he understands how and when to use them. If not, then ask for a team member to make this a priority.

  3. If the accommodations are being used regularly, what else might help? Talk about additional or different accommodations that might allow your child to make better progress.

By using the school’s progress reports, you can monitor your child’s progress in both general and special education. If it’s not going as well as you expected, it’s a good idea to look into his accommodations. This will help you be a great advocate for your child.

Since you’re new to special education, here are some other things you can do to get your child the best support possible:


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