Dyscalculia in Middle School: 4 Signs You Might See
By Amanda Morin
Expert reviewed by Sheldon H. Horowitz, EdD
Middle-schoolers with dyscalculia can struggle with more than just math. They could have a hard time making sense of maps and charts or doing things like making phone calls. Here’s what dyscalculia can look like in middle school.
1. Worrying About Getting Lost
Kids with dyscalculia can struggle with directions like left and right and with getting around in new places. Your child may not want to go places without you or explore the neighborhood with friends. At school kids might feel anxious about moving from one classroom to another.
2. Avoiding Numbers
Kids with dyscalculia can struggle to remember numbers. They might also have trouble making sense of visual representations of numbers. Your child may not want to make a phone call if it involves looking up the number. At school your child might tune out during lessons that use pie charts and graphs.
3. Trouble Telling Time
Kids with dyscalculia often have trouble reading clocks and judging time. Your child may always be running late but doesn’t want to wear a watch. At school your child might have to walk with a buddy to get to class on time.
4. Trouble Making Comparisons
Kids with dyscalculia can have trouble with math phrases like greater than or less than. Your child may not be able to tell you if the crowd at this week’s basketball game was bigger than last week’s, even if the difference seems obvious. At school your child may have trouble with word problems that compare one group of items to another.
Explore signs of dyscalculia at different ages. And learn about steps to take if you think your child has dyscalculia.