Kelli Johnson, MA
Educational Speech-Language Pathologist
Public school speech-language pathologist for over 25 years
Orton–Gillingham Certified reading tutor
School equity committee
Kelli Johnson, MA, is a speech-language pathologist in the public school setting with over 25 years of experience. In this role, she supports students with communication challenges in the areas of language development, speech sound use, stuttering, and voice. As an Orton–Gillingham Certified reading tutor, she also is skilled at helping learners with language-based reading difficulties.
Johnson has served on her school’s equity committee and has led department learning on the intersection of language, speech, and reading intervention. She focuses on the social and emotional needs of students, and on anti-ableist practices in education.
Johnson earned a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Texas at Austin and a master of arts in communication disorders from the University of Minnesota.
Publications, media, and appearances
How can I build a relationship between the therapist and the school? (Understood)
All about language disorders (Understood)