Assistive technology
Learn about what assistive technology is and how it can help people who learn and think differently.
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Tips and strategies
Podcast: What is assistive tech and how does it work
What is assistive technology? And is it something your child could benefit from? Here’s what you need to know.
Assistive technology for reading
Assistive technology for writing
Assistive technology for math
All articles
- How software and apps can help with math challenges
- How software and apps can help with writing challenges
- Assistive technology for reading
- Assistive technology for writing
- Assistive technology platforms: The basics
- Assistive technology for math
- Video: Apps for teens who struggle with organization
- 5 tips for taking better notes in class
- How assistive technology can help kids with note-taking
- 8 ways to use virtual assistants as assistive technology
- What is text-to-speech technology (TTS)?
- Checklist: What to ask colleges about assistive technology
- Checklist: Signs your child is ready for a cell phone
- When choosing apps to help your child with schoolwork, keep this tip in mind
- How to expand access to technology for distance learning
- 8 meditation apps for kids
- 4 ways to tell when an AT tool isn’t the best fit
- Who pays for assistive technology? Parents or schools?
- Is online tutoring a good option for my child?
- Assistive technology: Questions to ask the school
- 6 summer learning apps and games for tweens and teens
- How does optical character recognition help kids with reading issues?
- The first assistive technology I recommend to parents
- 7 Chrome tools for kids with reading issues
- My voice does the writing — with a little help from dictation technology
- Why I celebrate technology as a go-to for kids with dyslexia
- 5 apps to help younger kids with self-control
- 7 apps to help teens with ADHD manage everyday challenges
- Where to get free books for your child
- Math homework tools for kids with dyscalculia
- 3 apps to help tweens and teens with self-control
- Video: 5 myths about assistive technology
- Teacher videos: 5 reasons why making your own videos can help with distance learning