Stephanie Doyle, MS

Teacher, Roanoke City Public Schools


  • 2009 Virginia Teacher of the Year

  • 2011 Sons of the American Revolution History Teacher of the Year

  • Member of the National Museum of the American Indian and the Organization of American Historians

  • Member of Alpha Delta Kappa, an international honorary organization for women educators

Stephanie Doyle, MS, is a teacher in the Roanoke City Public Schools. During her years as an educator, Doyle has been honored with numerous honors, including Virginia Teacher of the Year in 2009 and Sons of the American Revolution History Teacher of the Year in 2011.

Doyle is the founder and chairperson of the Virginia Teacher of the Year Network, which is dedicated to improving the quality of teaching across the Commonwealth of Virginia. She is a member of the National Museum of the American Indian, the Organization of American Historians, the Virginia Council for Social Studies, and the Civil War Preservation Trust. She’s also a member of Alpha Delta Kappa, an international honorary organization for women educators.

Doyle has written numerous articles and selections for Chicken Soup for the Teacher’s Soul: Teacher Tales, the Virginia Journal of Education, Finding Mrs. Warnecke, and the Kappa Delta Pi Record. She graduated from Roanoke College with a bachelor of arts degree in psychology and an emphasis in education. She earned a master’s degree in curriculum, assessment, and instruction from Walden University.