7 reasons kids with ADHD often rush through homework

Kids with attention challenges may race through homework for different reasons, like trouble staying engaged or noticing errors. Learn the reasons why and explore ways to help.

All kids rush through homework once in a while so they can get to the things they’d rather be doing. But for kids with ADHD, rushing can be an ongoing challenge that results in sloppy, incorrect, or incomplete work.

A key reason is that kids with ADHD struggle with executive function skills. They often have a hard time staying focused, managing their time, waiting, and monitoring their work. They may also be worn out after school.

Here are some of the most common reasons kids with ADHD race through their homework assignments.

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1. Difficulty with self-monitoring

Kids use self-monitoring for things like checking to see if they understand the directions and proofreading their work. For kids with ADHD, the idea of sitting even longer to check for mistakes can be unbearable. They may also think it’s OK to just turn in their first effort, rather than spend more time making sure it’s correct and complete.

How to help: Get tips for helping kids slow down on homework in grade school and middle school.

2. Trouble holding on to information

Trouble with working memory can make it hard for kids with ADHD to keep information in mind as they do their homework. Instead of taking their time to think through their answers, they might scribble them out as fast as possible before they lose their train of thought. That can mean incomplete or even incorrect responses.

How to help: Use these working memory boosters.

3. Poor time management skills

When kids with ADHD have multiple assignments, they may have trouble gauging how much time to spend on each one. They also may hyperfocus on one task and then have a hard time moving on to the next. Having spent an hour on one assignment, they might speed through their remaining homework.

How to help: Show kids with ADHD how to develop a time management system.

4. Difficulty staying interested

Kids with ADHD have trouble with focus and often tune out quickly when tasks are tedious. Faced with a worksheet of 25 similar math problems, they might zoom through it carelessly because they’re bored.

How to help: Explore ways to help improve your child’s focus.

5. Trouble with self-control

Kids with ADHD can have a hard time putting off what they want, even if it’s better for them to wait. If they’re itching to play their new video game or watch TV, they might rush through homework without even thinking or caring about the fact that taking their time can result in better grades.

How to help: Get strategies to help kids gain self-control.

6. Medication rebound

If your child takes stimulants for ADHD, they might have medication rebound. As the medication wears off each day, they may have more trouble concentrating and getting stuff done. This tends to happen later in the day, which is often when kids are expected to do their homework.

How to help: Keep a daily log to help your child’s doctor fine-tune the medication.

7. Feeling defeated

Struggling at school can wear kids down and make them lose confidence. Over time, they may come to believe they won’t “get it.” Or that they won’t do well no matter how hard they try. If kids believe the outcome will be the same whether they spend 20 minutes or two hours on homework, they might not think it’s worth it to take the time to do a careful job.

How to help: Help your child develop a growth mindset.

Podcast: Homework battles

Get expert tips in this half-hour episode of Understood’s In It podcast. Listen as teachers and parents share strategies for handling homework challenges.
