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Wunder welcomes its newest expert and group manager: Keri Wilmot

We said goodbye to Wunder in August 2024. We invite you to the new Understood app. It offers free interactive tools for parents of kids with learning and thinking differences. Looking to connect with the Understood community? Join our communities on Facebook, in English and Spanish.

Hello, everyone! My name is Keri Wilmot, and I’m the latest expert to join Wunder by Understood®.

Wunder is a free, first-of-its-kind community app designed to help parents feel less alone, more supported, and more confident as they navigate learning and thinking differences. It’s a safe space where parents can gather tips and resources on learning and thinking differences, get advice from experts, and share personal stories of triumph or frustration with other caregivers. Because that’s what being in an authentic community is all about. 

As the host of Ask an Expert: Organization, Overstimulation, and Hyperactivity, I’ll be answering your questions directly in a Q&A format. If your child learns and thinks differently, I’m here to help. I’ll dive into topics like how to structure playdates that help meet sensory needs. Or how to help kids manage the emotions surrounding their differences. 

From a young age, I knew I wanted to help kids with special needs. I’ve now worked as a pediatric occupational therapist (OT) for 23 years.  As an OT, I’ve worked in public and charter schools, sensory clinics, preschools, daycares, and in-home settings, with kids of all ages and abilities. Thirteen years ago, I began sharing recommendations for toys and games I was using in therapy on my website,, and through various social media channels. I’ve built relationships with all major toy companies, and I also use my expertise internationally to promote play and development. I’ve enjoyed being an expert here at Understood for the last seven years. 

I spent many years evaluating young children who were asked to leave their preschool programs due to behavior and sensory issues related to ADHD, autism, and learning and thinking differences. In 2020, I published a book, Wired Differently: A Teacher’s Guide to Sensory Processing Challenges, to help teachers learn about sensory processing disorder and the types of resources young kids need to thrive. 

My goal has always been to help parents and teachers learn how to support their children and students — something that became even more difficult during the pandemic. I not only give recommendations for strategies, tools, tips, and even toys, but also help people find the right professionals and suggest questions they can ask to get more answers.

I know how frustrating it is for families when each environment has different rules. And I know that finding the right type of support and accommodations isn’t easy. I understand these day-to-day challenges from firsthand experience: My son, now 13, was diagnosed with ADHD, dysgraphia, and executive function difficulties when he was in the fourth grade. Getting him diagnosed wasn’t easy. I was told over and over that everything was fine. But I pushed for two years to get him help because I knew something wasn’t right. 

Being persistent, communicating, and asking questions will help us all in this journey together!

So, welcome! I hope you’ll download Wunder and join my community group.  

To learn more about Wunder, visit, or download the app directly from the App Store. To join Keri’s group, Ask an Expert: Organization, Overstimulation, and Hyperactivity visit: 

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