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Meet our Wunder by Understood® experts!

We said goodbye to Wunder in August 2024. We invite you to the new Understood app. It offers free interactive tools for parents of kids with learning and thinking differences. Looking to connect with the Understood community? Join our communities on Facebook, in English and Spanish.

Wunder is a free, first-of-its-kind community app. It’s designed to help parents feel less alone, more supported, and more confident as they navigate learning and thinking differences. In this safe space, parents can gather tips and resources and get advice from experts. And they can share personal stories of triumph or frustration. 

And now, Wunder is available on the Google Play Store in addition to the App Store.

Our Wunder experts are here to help. They host groups, answer questions, and share advice. Read on to learn more about each expert in their own words. 

Rayma Griffin, MA, MEd

I’ve been involved with Understood since its inception. Now, as the host of Ask an Expert: IEPs, 504s, and Accommodations, I share about how to partner with educators to identify kids’ needs and get them what they need to work to their potential. I hope my weekly posts generate dialogue in our community so we can learn from and support each other. This is a Q&A format, and I’ll be there to address your specific concerns.

For more than 40 years, I’ve worked with kids with learning and thinking differences and their families. I’ve taught special education in public and private schools. And I’ve worked as an administrator, creating curriculums and training teachers. I was also on a team of professionals who founded a school designed for children with learning disabilities and attention issues. As an early team member at Understood, I helped develop much of the initial content. I continue to consult with them on different projects. 

A belief that all kids can learn if we teach them correctly has directed my career path. At Wunder, I help demystify the evaluation, IEP, and 504 processes. I also provide tips for partnering with the school, and I connect people with resources to help them advocate for their kids and themselves. In this community, we can work together to improve the lives of kids who struggle academically or socially. 

Join the conversation in the Ask an Expert: IEPs, 504s, and Accommodations group.

Shira Moskovitz, MA

I’m a mom of two and a special educator in NYC. As the host of Ask an Expert: Dyslexia, Reading, and Math, I’ll be answering your questions in a Q&A format. If you or your child learns and thinks differently, I’m here to help. I’ll explore lots of different topics — like how dyslexia is diagnosed, signs and symptoms of dyslexia, and how you can support your child at home. And I’ll discuss reading and math strategies, especially focusing on assistive technology (AT) tools that can help you and your child.

 I started my career in technology and design. But after a few years, I realized my job didn’t align with my core values. I realized that a lot of people with learning and thinking differences didn’t know how to use AT tools. And many didn’t have the resources to access them. 

I went back to school for a degree in special education and have never looked back! I’ve taught in schools throughout New York, always using my technology skills to create learning environments where every student can succeed. 

Finding the right tools to support your child can be challenging. Persistence, communication, and asking questions will help us along the way.

Join the conversation in the Ask an Expert: Dyslexia, Reading, and Math group.

Jerome Schultz, PhD

I’m a pediatric neuropsychologist. For more than 40 years, I’ve specialized in working with children, adolescents, and young adults with special learning or behavioral needs as well as their families. I’m one of the content experts on the Wunder app. 

Serving in the Ask the Expert: ADHD, Focus, and Big Emotions group on the Wunder app has given me the chance to have an impact on the lives of thousands of families and their children or grandchildren.

Before becoming a neuropsychologist, I was a special education teacher in elementary and middle school. After I got my PhD, I served as a consultant to hundreds of public and private schools, working with teachers to help them create safe and successful learning environments for students with learning and thinking differences. 

I’ve also held faculty positions at Boston College and Wright State University, among others. I’m a lecturer on psychology in the Department of Child Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. I’ve set up and run several hospital- or university-based clinics serving children with special needs, most recently at the Center for Adolescent and Child Development at the Cambridge Health Alliance. I maintained a private clinical neuropsychology practice in Wellesley, Massachusetts, for more than 30 years.

In my book, Nowhere to Hide: Why Kids With ADHD and LD Hate School and What We Can Do About It, I shared much of what I’ve learned over the years about how to decrease stress in the lives of kids with special needs.

Every day, I look forward to opening the app and having the opportunity to make recommendations, teach, and support this incredibly appreciative community. I’m eager to learn from each of you and to hear your stories, your suggestions, and your questions! 

Join the conversation in the Ask the Expert: ADHD, Focus, and Big Emotions group.

Keri Wilmot, OT

As the host of Ask an Expert: Organization, Overstimulation, and Hyperactivity. I’ll be answering your questions directly in a Q&A format. If your child learns and thinks differently, I’m here to help. I’ll dive into topics like how to structure playdates that help meet sensory needs. Or how to help kids manage the emotions surrounding their differences. 

From a young age, I knew I wanted to help kids with special needs. I’ve worked as a pediatric occupational therapist for 23 years. I’ve worked in public and charter schools, sensory clinics, preschools, daycares, and in-home settings, with kids of all ages and abilities.

I spent many years evaluating young children who were asked to leave their preschool programs due to behavior and sensory issues related to ADHD, autism, and learning and thinking differences. My book, Wired Differently: A Teacher’s Guide to Sensory Processing Challenges, helps teachers learn about sensory processing disorder and the types of resources young kids need to thrive. 

I know from firsthand experience that finding the right type of support and accommodations isn’t easy. My son, now 13, was diagnosed with ADHD, dysgraphia, and executive function difficulties when he was in the fourth grade. I was told over and over that everything was fine. But I pushed for two years to get him help because I knew something wasn’t right. 

Being persistent, communicating, and asking questions will help us all in this journey together! Join the conversation in the Ask an Expert: Movement and Sensory Challenges group.

To learn more about Wunder, visit You can download the app directly from both the Google Play Store and the App Store.

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